Individuals or Family Members

We can help you with three of the four things that you need to do to start using an RDSP to secure your financial future.


1. Start your Disability Tax Credit application today

We can walk you through the application process, including  filing an appeal, if necessary. We make it easy for you. In addition to handling your application, we will review and file your taxes and, where appropriate, transfer the available credit to an eligible family member, to enable you to claim any retroactive credits that may be outstanding. Contact us for a free review of your tax and disability status.


2. Let us assist you with your tax filing so that you maximize your federal government contributions

As Canada’s premiere disability tax specialist, you can rest assured that you are receiving all of the deductions, credits and benefits that you are eligible for.  Our tax filing service is very inexpensive – Contact us to learn more.


3. Choose the Holder for your RDSP

If it’s not clear who should oversee your RDSP, we can assist you in reviewing your options. Read our information on choosing a Holder and then… Contact us if it’s not clear who should be Holder of your RDSP.